T.I Family Experience

What’s the first thing that jumps to your mind when you hear that someone is visiting a children’s home? Probably you will think about people going to give the children food items, clothing, clean a little and take a lot of pictures for their social media posts. Don’t get us wrong, we are not saying that this is wrong or anything like that. We just want to bring something new to these children because I bet they have seen this routine time and time again. The T.I Family Experience is a day for the children and staff of a given children’s home to feel what it is like to be part of a family. We bring about a family experience to them unlike any they may have seen before. The main focus is making the day for the children involved as well as the staff. We cook with the kids exotic and not every day food, play with them, eat with them, clean with them and so much more. Later on, the kids get a chance to showcase their talent through a talent show and later on in the evening, we have a Family Movie Experience with them. As for the staff, they get a Spa Experience for the day. We also gift the children from the talent show and other activities during the day. It's simply a day for the children and staff to experience something different from their norm and best of all, it’s not just a one and done event; we make it a periodic event for each children’s home we visit and come back time and time again. On top of all this, we also bring the home food, clothing and much more in the way of charity and giving.


Mental Health Awareness

As Tuokoleane Initiative, we champion for mental health by having open discussions through our weekly online Share Sphere forums and physical Evening Coffees where the members get to share about anything that may be troubling them. Moreover, with this being a family, members get the sense of belonging and family which goes a long way in making them feel that there’s someone at their side no matter what they are going through. Through this, a lot of the members have gotten help, professional or otherwise, that has helped them and made them be more open to talk and help others going through the same problems as they had been. This chain reaction is what makes the program so impactful and able to help more people in the community. We are also working towards a mental health platform that will reach out to more people and connect mental health professionals and people who need help through the darkness they may be facing in their lives and bring down the amount of mental health related suicides and other matters.


Tuokoleane Academic Pentathlon (T.A.P)

This is an academic program meant for high school students. In this event, students compete both individually and as a team also to triumph. There are different categories in the event and unlike other academic events in existence, this is a one-day event with students partaking in more than one event in different fields. These fields include:

  • Arithmetic
  • Literature
  • Physical Sciences
  • Social Sciences
  • Public Speaking and Debate
The event is meant to create an all-rounded student where it’s not enough to be just good at one thing but in different fields. With the competition being done in teams, it brings the aspect of teamwork and collaboration since the team score is aggregated based on the individual’s score. This means that teammates have to help each other in preparation in order to succeed as one. The different fields create a student who is both competent and knows the importance of team work. It is also a chance for mentorship for the students by individuals from different walks of life.


Tuokoleane FoodStore

Tuokoleane Food Store is meant to promote Zero Hunger in the community through equipping it different kinds of foods for use in case of emergencies. This program was started as a pilot program for members of Tuokoleane Initiative in university as a way to provide them with foodstuff in case of and emergencies and it was a better success than we hoped. The program was able to help out students in dire situations whereby all one needed to do was to make a phone call and request for what they needed and it would be provided and help them out of the situation they were in. The food store was stocked by contributions and donations from members who had extra food and wanted to share it with others so instead of it spoiling, they would create a Zero Waste system by helping others in need. As a testament to its success, beneficiaries from the program would later on restock the FoodStore once they were stable enough to be in a position to give back to others. Although this was not a necessity, the members where happy to do so without any form of coercion. They were happy to do so because they learned the Tuokoleane Initiative way; Give, Share, Care.


Annual Sharing Day

One People, One Roof, One Table, One Meal. Having a community around us is what makes us strong and as such, with the idea and vision of creating a global family, we all need to come together to remind ourselves of how we are all connected to each other. The Annual Sharing Day is a program meant for students in high schools, and higher learning institutions where they all come together, regardless of any differences and share wisdom, knowledge, motivation, gifts and more. We hope to see it become a national program and even a global event in the future. This is a day meant to remind all of us that underneath everything about us, We Are One. This is geared towards reminding all the involved parties that the Tuokoleane Initiative family and the world by extension is just one and any perceived differences don’t need to divide us. We find Unity in our Diversity. It is also an opportunity for all of us to help each other out in our society in various ways and move forward as one.


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